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₹2 Lakhs - ₹1 Crore

Project 1

Location: Karanodai, Chennai

Price: Rs. 12.67 Lakhs Onwards

Plot Sizes: 750 Sq.ft Onwards

Project 1

Location: Urapakkam, Chennai

Price: Rs.45.49 L Onwards

Plot Sizes: 674 Sq.Ft. Onwards

Project 1

Location: Perumbakkam, Chennai

Price: 63.95 Lakhs Onwards

Plot Sizes: 956 Sq.Ft Onwards

Project 1

Location: Kundrathur, Chennai

Price: Sold Out

Plot Sizes: 1900 - 2800 Sq.Ft

Project 1

Location: Padur, OMR, Chennai

Price: Sold Out

Plot Sizes: 600 - 2400 Sq.Ft

Project 1

Location: Madhavaram, Chennai

Price: Rs. 1.02 Crores Onwards

Plot Sizes: 1200 Sq.Ft Onwards

Project 1

Location: Madhavaram, Chennai


Plot Sizes: 1200 Sq.Ft. Onwards

Project 1

Location: Madhavaram, Chennai

Price: Sold Out

Plot Sizes: 1500 - 1808 Sq.Ft

Project 1

Location: Padur, OMR, Chennai

Price: Sold Out

Plot Sizes: 1000 - 2400 Sq.Ft

Project 1

Location: Siruseri, OMR, Chennai

Price: Sold Out

Plot Sizes: 1000 - 2400 Sq.Ft

Featured Commercial Projects


Plots Starting from 2.88 Crores Onwards

Plot Size: 5770 Sq.Ft Onwards

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L&T Bypass, Coimbatore

Plots Starting from Rs.2.64 Cr Onwards

Plot Size: 22 Cents Onwards

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Plots Starting from Rs. 75 Lakhs Onwards

Plot Size: 3 - 275.88 Cents

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Featured Residential Projects

Navalur, OMR, Chennai

Plots Starting from Rs. 88.13 L Onwards

Plot Size: 1587 Sq.Ft. Onwards

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Singaperumal Koil, Chennai

Plots Starting from Rs.20.99 Lakhs Onwards

Plot Size: 700 Sq.Ft Onwards

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Mahabalipuram ,Chennai

Plots Starting from Rs.34.18 L Onwards

Plot Size: 1800 Sq.Ft Onwards

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